- NAME: Ezo'to Rahtuxi
- RACE: Miqo'te [Keeper of the Moon]
- GENDER: Cis male [he/him]
- AGE: Twenty-four (24)
- HEIGHT: 5 fulms, 10 ilms (5'10"/178cm)
- NAMEDAY: 4th Sun - 1st Astral Moon
- OCCUPATION: Thief, hunter, outlaw
- BIRTHPLACE: Upper North Shroud
- CLASS: Rogue(ish), archer
- ORIENTATION: Bisexual (masc pref.)
- MARITAL: Single, polyamorous
- HOME WORLD: Mateus [Crystal]

(side art by me)


basics ...

Slightly tall for his kind, he has a decently strong build, muscled where need be for use in hunting and scuffles with other individuals. He's more often than not sporting a sort of perpetual bedhead which could be described as fluffy and unruly. Messy silver tresses of hair are littered with natural white highlights. His ears are mostly black with small white tufts, and his thick long tail harbors snow leopard-like spots which end in a white tip. Red swirling tattoos litter most of the right side of his body. As far as attire, he prioritizes comfort and maneuverability over visual aesthetic and fashion. Clothing consists of things that allow for movement while hunting and in case of combat. Jewelry often consists of animal teeth, feathers, metals, or the occasional gem.He almost always appears cold and unapproachable-- even perhaps intimidating-- this attitude only falling occasionally in front of certain people who have broken his stubbornly stoic and moody exterior wall.

(Higher resolution here.)

origins ...

Within the dreary depths of the wilds surrounding the North Shroud and bordering the Coerthas Highlands, there resided a rather reclusive tribe of Keeper Miqo'te: the Rahtuxi. Their lifestyle prioritized religion, tradition, and survival above nearly all else, and they did not have much of a reputation for participating in war. Each member was assigned a familial role to grow into from birth, therefore dividing responsibilities within the clan and offering more opportunity for each individual to home in on more of their specific skills or crafts. Most of them were recognizable by the snow leopard-like appearance of the fur upon their ears and tails.Ezo'to was the second son of the matriarch and was chosen to hold a significant religious position-- comparable to shamanism-- with his elder brother to assume the role of an overseer of training and strength as far as hunting and combat. At a fairly early age, Ezo'to was not satisfied with this fact, having much preferred to have received his brother's role as opposed to his own.He was a rather outgoing child with the reputation of being a troublemaker, often scolded by his superiors for going against the rules and for neglecting his responsibilities. One of his elder sisters had taken pity on him and secretly nursed his desire to learn how to have strength in combative skills with bow and arrow, as well as battle knives.

currently ...

Upon the arrival of the Seventh Umbral Calamity, most of the Rahtuxi were wiped out, with all of the remaining following suit soon thereafter due to local tribal disputes in the Calamity's wake-- all but Ezo'to, that is. And so, he is left to his own devices, spending a number of years coming to terms with his new reality of lone survival within the woods and developing an exceedingly antisocial and moody personality-- a big contrast to what he was like in his younger years.With his knowledge of hunting and fighting, he is very used to living almost exclusively off of the forest... and its other inhabitants. This includes resorting to poaching, thievery, and other various crimes in order to get by.Slowly, he had been semi-reluctantly tangling himself in with other people, re-introducing himself to the willingness to create social relationships. More recently, however, he's been traveling a fair amount and taking a large variety of one-off jobs-- most, if not all, being of rather gray morality... or darker.

extra ...

- Speaks with a rather deep and monotonous voice, harboring a lingering accent which signifies his previous tribal origins. Also knows huntspeak, though with fluctuating fluency.- Not completely literate. In the steady process of learning more.- Has a bounty on his head. Wanted by the Wood Wailers of the Shroud. He's commonly causing them trouble and they often attempt to apprehend him for arrest.- Finds comfort in the stars and the night sky. Knows constellations by heart.- Sleep plagued by specters of the past-- usually his kin.- Has a difficult relationship with his kind's religion, despite sporting three tattoos of the symbol of Menphina on his body, of which were received many years prior. It's all a sore topic with him.

hooks ...

- Fellow Miqo'te-- particularly Keepers-- may find themselves stumbling upon Ezo'to. He hunts a lot in the Shroud, as well as occasionally in other regions.- Ezo'to fishes as a hobby. Most of the traveling he does outside of the Shroud that's unrelated to specific jobs is done with rod and bait, if not knife. You may find him waterside, but don't expect a friendly greeting in return for disturbing him.- Sometimes he has to make gil by using his muscle and skill-- either as a mercenary or through straight up thievery, and even assassination. Ezo'to takes on tough jobs that don't necessarily have to be morally righteous or ethical. In fact, they usually involve crimes.- Anything else you can think of, for the most part!

looking for ...

- Friends, rivals, romance, employers-- anything!- If you're interested in sorting out an already established connection, contact me.


GRAY - 25 - ♂ (he+him)

[ Mountain Time USA (MT) / (GMT-7) ]

- Discord: kurutoryuki
- Main Twitter: @felidfang
- Art Twitter: @fangyawn

ooc ...

hey, thank you for your interest in my charactersi like to think i have pretty good RP experience, given i’ve been at it (off and on) for about 14 years or so. however, i have bad anxiety, and sometimes (most times) i’m pretty bad at talking to people. i don’t mean to ignore you if i stop replying, i just… get anxious, haha. or maybe i'm busy, and i work a lot. and i have low energy a lot of times. or most times. so anyway, don’t be afraid to poke me!i’m also terrible at asking for RP, so please please don’t feel afraid to talk to me! i’m always looking for new connections

i also have MARE, if anyone is interested in swapping codes

rules ...

1.) IC ≠ OOC.2.) I will only RP with those of which who are 18+! For heavier themes, I will only RP with people who are 21+.3.) I'm mainly looking for long-term RP, though certainly not opposed to one-shots.4.) I am LGBT+ friendly, and a member of the community myself. I will not tolerate homophobia, transphobia, etc.5.) I RP in-game and in Discord. Whichever is fine, though Discord tends to be easier with my schedule for longer-term RP and scenes.6.) I prefer paragraph roleplay over one-liners. I usually try to mirror when it comes to length.7.) I am an adult and willing to RP mature themes with other adults (violence, sexuality, drug use, etc.). Dark/mature RP is a-OK. If you're not sure about something, just ask! Communication is key.8.) I'm only open to romance/ERP/etc. if it makes sense for our characters' interactions and storyline, and both character and player are 21+.9.) Ask about permanent injury and long-term imprisonment. No permanent death of my character.10.) I WILL NOT RP with purely fetish characters (i.e. f*ta, tr*p).11.) If you're interested in romance/shipping, just know that I am a multi-shipper. I typically enjoy shipping my characters with more than one other character, whether it be multi-verse or his being polyamorous. Please respect this and don't get jealous over my character.